Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Hey guys! CF is back this week! Remember last week we said we had something interesting for you people right? Well, it is now this week! So do come and find out for yourself!

Here's a testimony we comittee would like to share with you guys:

About 2 weeks ago, when we had our comittee meeting after school one day, it was raining really heavily. As in REALLY heavily. It came all of a sudden! Plus, its came when we were about to finish. So when we ended with a word of prayer, Joshua suggested that we pray for the rain to stop so we can go home safely. And so we did. I just prayed a simple prayer that the rain would stop and everyone will get to go home dry. When I ended my prayer, we were all packing our stuffs. Then Cheryl walked through the badminton court to make a phone call.(She forgot about the rain I guess) Then she suddenly realised, THE RAIN STOPPED! She was shouting from the court and we were all so amazed. Indeed God heard our prayer though it was a simple one.

There you have it, a simple prove that our God is really real! He hears our prayers no matter long or short, complicated or simple. As long as its from your heart! So guys, here's an encouragement, whenever you're faced with any difficulties, just say a simple prayer and mean it. God is there. He listens.

So, hope to see you guys this week in CF and again don't forget our mamak yea! Take care and God bless=)

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